The application period for this funding opportunity is now extended to April 30, 2024! Click the RFA Addendum below to learn what's changed.
The DC Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) addresses gun violence in the District through its programs and community-based efforts and assists families dealing with grief and trauma caused by incidents of gun violence. To support this mission, the ONSE announces the availability of funding offered through the Violence Intervention Initiative (VI). The division focuses on innovative ways to interrupt violence.
The Request for Applications (RFA) makes available 48 grant opportunities and invites individuals and community-based organizations to apply for funding to implement creative ideas, initiatives, and projects designed to reduce gun violence in the District. The ONSE seeks impactful proposals that address the root causes of gun violence, promote community engagement, and support a safer and more resilient environment in the categories of behavioral health and restorative justice. The goal of this opportunity is to support community safety, create positive change in our neighborhoods, and encourage youth involvement.
View the attachment for details of the RFA on the FY24 Gun Violence Prevention Mini-Grants, as well as the March 19, 2024 virtual Information Session along with the associated presentation deck for more information.
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