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Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement

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Applying for a Grant With ONSE

The Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) was created to address gun violence prevention in the District while assisting families with grief and trauma caused by these occurrences. The ONSE was created in response to the Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results (NEAR) Act of 2018.

The mission of ONSE is to foster community-based strategies that help prevent gun violence and increase public safety. The strategy supporting this mission is rooted in a community partnership and public health approach specifically geared toward violence prevention. ONSE solicits 1-2 grant opportunities throughout the year, based on available funding, with the most common being discretionary grants.

Grants issued by ONSE focus on intervention and prevention of gun violence. Grants issued in the past have been awarded for quality assurance partners, violence interruption, gang/crew violence prevention, and trauma-informed care. In addition, solicitations have been made that have sought alternative solutions to increasing public safety. Past grants in this category focused on entrepreneurship and mediation initiatives.

ONSE seeks to partner with community-based organizations, non-profit organizations, DC small businesses, members of the clergy, and individuals who are interested in preventing incidents of gun violence, thereby increasing public safety of residents and visitors in the District.

To learn about the application process and the steps to become a ONSE grantee, view the information links below:

FINAL - FY24 Information Session
View the WebEx here.
Webex Password: Xd8ifrt*
Note: Live captioning is available in Chrome.

Below find links to information about ONSE Grants and other opportunities.
